南方人勇闯东北?网友:冻梨都开始摆盘了……|富贵|大军|哈尔滨|march |
发布日期:2025-01-04 15:04 点击次数:181 |
最近, 东北冰雪游人气“爆棚”,哈尔滨各大洗浴中心,拥挤程度堪比春运,南方游客直接拉着行李箱进入。有网友说 2023年还没结束, 东北就开始“皴”(cūn)运了……来源:微博热评截图Lately, the popularity of ice and snow tourism in Northeast China has exploded. Major hot springs resorts in Harbin are packed, with congestion levels comparable to the Spring Festival travel rush. The travelers from the south of China make up a large part of the tourism crowd.南方人勇闯东北如何在东北街头迅速识别出南方人?资深东北人总结了两个要素:浅色羽绒服、可爱帽子、行李箱、进澡堂有点不好意思,基本就是了。How do you tell the southerns apart from northerners? Northeastern Chinese people can be summarized in 4 elements: a light-colored down jacket, a lovely small hat, a suitcase in hand and shyness in public bath house.有人在网上给南方人们的穿搭提出可行性意见,主打一个既怕你室外冻死、又怕你屋内热哭。Southerns are less prepared for the cold, but the northerners are doting on them to make their winter trip memorable. Some individuals online are providing practical suggestions for the outfits of these southerners, emphasizing the need for clothing that protects them from the freezing outdoor temperatures while ensuring they don't sweat profusely indoors.甚至有人还做了哈尔滨旅游攻略,主动写下了哈尔滨游玩注意事项。其中一条对南方人们尤为重要:不要舔冰灯。来源:网络这泼天富贵,轮到东北了吗?某旅游平台大数据显示, 哈尔滨热度环比暴涨300%,哈尔滨成今冬国内旅行目的地顶流。另有数据显示, 哈尔滨首次登顶最受欢迎民宿目的地。哈尔滨元旦民宿预订量同比2023年增长了27倍。来源:网络哈尔滨为了方便游客出行, 延长了公交、地铁运营时间。根据哈尔滨政府发布的消息,哈尔滨冰雪季将持续到2024年3月底。对于想要错峰出行游客,可以等过了元旦、春节等人流高峰期再前往。In order to facilitate travel for tourists, Harbin has extended the operating hours of buses and subways. According to the announcement from the Harbin government, the ice and snow season in Harbin will continue until the end of March 2024. For travelers aiming to avoid peak periods, it's advisable to plan visits after New Year's Day and the Spring Festival, when tourist traffic is at its peak.12月26日,黑龙江省发展和改革委员会 发布相关通知要求,各地要按照价格管理权限,坚持利用公共资源建设景区的公益属性,充分体现社会效益。 不得借旅游旺季上调门票价格, 各景区要严格执行政府定价,不得擅自增设收费项目,全面落实对特定群体的门票减免优惠政策。元旦将至,假期来临,你愿意加入勇闯东北大军吗?编辑:李雪晴实习生:杨青青综合来源:中国青年报综合央视网 黑龙江日报 齐鲁晚报 中国新闻网等